Website Design in Shrewsbury Massachusetts

Website design in Shrewsbury Massachusetts

At JRA Technology, website design in Shrewsbury Massachusetts range from custom website designs, e-commerce sites, mobile application development, web hosting, website maintenance and internet marketing services.

For website design in Shrewsbury Massachusetts consider a trusted local source. In business for over 20 years we are happy and love to work with locally owned businesses.

Our core business is developing custom and fully interactive websites. Whether you need a basic or in-depth website, forum, blog, mobile page, or E-commerce shopping cart and integration, we can build it for you. We offer our professional expertise and creativity in the following categories:

Blogs / Forums
Social Apps
Mobile Apps

Elements that make a great website:

1. Your website satisfies user intent and has a clear goal
Do you know your audience? Do you know your business and what it is you contribute to this world?

2. Your website has technical prowess
A good website is easily crawlable and shows search engines what they can and can’t index. Good sites don’t have any errors.

3. Your website is trustworthy, safe and secure
Both search engines and users are looking for signals that signify trust. Why should your site and content be trusted?

4. Your website has a great design and stellar UX
Does your website need to be beautiful? Let’s be honest, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The design of your website needs to help fulfill the goals you set.

5. Your site has awesome, user-centered content
Be user-centered, not company-centered. Good content helps your users accomplish their goals and you want to offer this content at the right moment while keeping the business goals firmly in sight.

6. Your site is mobile-friendly (or rather, designed mobile-first)
For the last couple of years, mobile traffic has kept growing and growing. If your site is not mobile-friendly by now, you should really get to it and work on your mobile SEO. 

7. Your site can ‘talk’ directly to search engines
For years, search engines tried to read content on pages to determine what that page is about. They need that content to be able to match the search query with the indexed pages that give the best answers to this query.

Website Design in Shrewsbury Massachusetts
Client Sampling Of Our Work

Website design in Shrewsbury Massachusetts
Website design in Shrewsbury Massachusetts
Website design in Shrewsbury Massachusetts

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