By definition, Website Hosting is a type of service that gives individuals and organizations the opportunity to make their own web site accessible via the world wide web. So, if you want to setup a web site on the Internet, you will need a web host. But after a quick search in google, you will see that making the choice as to which type of web hosting you will need for your web site is no easy task.
However, at JRA Tech we make it easy and affordable within our packages so you don’t have to bother with all the other companies and researching.
Since our inception, we have been creating the ideal hosting experience and platform with one common goal – to maintain a reliable service. Based on our historical uptime, we are proud to guarantee that our uptime will never drop below 99.9%. In addition to the uptime guarantee policy, JRA maintains a no-questions asked money back guarantee on hosting services.
Without hosting, no one can see your website. To get your website online, you need to marry up your hosting with a domain name and then upload your content. Easy, right? Right, thanks to: generous storage & bandwidth, easy, on-the-fly resource upgrades and 24/7 security monitoring.
Hosting prices start at $20 per month.